Rules governing Coach’s Pitch will be the same as Minors (11-and-Under) and Majors (14-and-Under) with the following exceptions:
- Bats must be approved for little league play, shall be no more than 2 ⅝ inches in diameter, and a maximum of 32 inches in length. No wooden bats allowed.
- All catchers are required to wear a protective helmet, face mask, throat protector, shin guards, and chest protector.
- A full game will be six (6) innings or 90 minutes
- A full team will be ten (10) players in the field. A team may play with a minimum of seven (7) without having to forfeit.
- After 10 or total number of batters for the side in a single inning (or the lower number of players on the roster at the beginning of the game), the side shall be retired when three (3) outs have been achieved or the tenth/closing batter crosses home plate. Batters beyond the tenth/closing batter will continue to bat until either condition is met above. Only the tenth/closing batters run will be counted for the game score.
- There will automatically be two (2) outs when the tenth/final batter comes to the plate (seventh batter if only seven players).
- The youth pitcher must keep at least one foot inside the circle around the pitching rubber until the ball crosses the plate.
- A batter will have six (6) pitches to hit the ball outside the 5-foot circle in front of home plate. If the batter fouls the last pitch, he may keep swinging until he hits or strikes out. There are no walks.
- No bunting will be allowed; the batter must swing.
- An adult coach (18 years or older) will pitch for his or her own team. The ball can be thrown overhand or underhand. It is recommended the coaches throw overhand for boys and underhand for girls (to prepare them for baseball and softball at the next level). The coach must stand or kneel between the line, which will be 18 feet from home plate and in front of the 42-foot pitching rubber.
- If the adult pitcher touches the batted ball, the play is dead, and the runners will return to the last base occupied. The batter will be given an extra swing. Any other interference by the adult pitcher will be an out for the batter.
- While on the playing field, the adult pitcher may instruct his batter, but not the base runners. If this happens (instructs base runner), after a warning is issued, that adult pitcher may be instructed to leave the field. A batter becomes a base runner when he touches first base. Once off of the field in foul territory, the coach may instruct base runners, but may not touch or interfere with them. Failure to supply an adult pitcher will result in a forfeit.
- Play is stopped when the runners have been forced to stop and/or the umpire has granted time. While in the field any defensive player may stop play by doing one of the following:
- Occupying the pitcher’s circle with the ball in possession, looking at the umpire or home plate.
- Holding the ball in the air while any part of the player is inside of the pitcher’s circle to request time
- Diving into the pitcher’s circle (with ball in possession)
- Standing on the base or in the baseline immediately in front of the lead runner with the ball in possession, and no runners who may advance are attempting to run.
Play is not stopped:
- If the defensive player runs through the pitcher’s circle in an attempt to make a play
- A defensive player steps on home plate, if 3rd base is not occupied.
- There will be no infield fly rule in effect.
- Sliding feet first will be allowed with the stipulation that this skill is taught by the coach of each team. Sliding headfirst is not allowed (the runner will be called out at the discretion of the umpire).
- The Time Out rule will be as follows: one (1) time out per inning for offense and three (3) time outs for defense per regulation game.